The snub disphenoid
The snub disphenoid or siamese dodecahedron is Johnson solid number 84:
GEOMAG constructions: Snub disphenoid
Snub disphenoid
26 pieces: 8 balls, 18 rods (153.40 g)
A ring can be made from 14 snub disphenoids and 14 square pyramids:
GEOMAG constructions: Ring A of 14 snub disphenoids
Ring A of 14 snub disphenoids
392 pieces: 98 balls, 280 rods, 14 squares (2.18 kg)
GEOMAG constructions: Ring A of 14 snub disphenoids in an upright position
Ring A of 14 snub disphenoids in an upright position
Additional pieces for the feet: 16 pieces: 4 balls, 12 rods
The ring, found by Karl Horton, is not exact but it is very nearly so, it has only 0.63 degrees missing. It is also very strong and can be easily placed in an upright position, although the ball which joins each pair of objects receives two rods at too acute an angle, which somewhat weakens that joint.
In the previous ring all 14 objects are placed in a radial orientation. In the following alternative design seven of them are oriented upwards and seven downwards:
GEOMAG constructions: Ring B of 14 snub disphenoids
Ring B of 14 snub disphenoids
392 pieces: 98 balls, 280 rods, 14 squares (2.18 kg)
GEOMAG constructions: Ring B of 14 snub disphenoids in an upright position
Ring B of 14 snub disphenoids in an upright position
Additional pieces for the feet: 8 pieces: 2 balls, 6 rods
This ring is easily stackable:
GEOMAG constructions: Stacking of rings B, view 1
Stacking of rings B, view 1
3015 pieces: 708 balls, 2195 rods, 112 squares (16.61 kg)
GEOMAG constructions: Stacking of rings B, view 2
Stacking of rings B, view 2