Pseudogeodesic sphere to scale 4
A whole pseudogeodesic sphere to scale 4 would require 5760 rods and 1922 balls, and building it with Geomag is surely not possible without some special scaffolding, perhaps together with some support system similar to that used for the double-scale sphere. What we build here is not a whole quadruple-scale sphere, but a sort of a big circus tent corresponding to a spherical cup.
GEOMAG constructions: Pseudogeodesic sphere to scale 1
Pseudogeodesic sphere to scale 1
GEOMAG constructions: Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 1
Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 1
161 pieces: 46 balls, 115 rods (936.10 g)
We will build the silver part in the previous left-hand picture, which appears by itself in the right-hand one. It takes 70 of the total 240 triangles which make up the sphere, a little more than 29%. Three views of the quadruple-scale construction follow:
GEOMAG constructions: Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 4, horizontal view
Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 4, horizontal view
2856 pieces: 711 balls, 2085 rods, 60 squares (16.02 kg)
GEOMAG constructions: Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 4, oblique top view
Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 4, oblique top view
GEOMAG constructions: Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 4, inside view
Pseudogeodesic spherical cup to scale 4, inside view
The construction rests on five special supports as the one shown in the following picture. The correct angle should be the vertex angle of a regular pentagon, or 108 degrees. The angle in the support is a little more than 109 degrees, which seems to be close enough.
GEOMAG constructions: Support for the spherical cup to scale 4
Support for the spherical cup to scale 4
It will be necessary to use some provisional supports while construction is in progress:
GEOMAG constructions: Construction of the spherical cup to scale 4, 1
Construction of the spherical cup to scale 4, 1
GEOMAG constructions: Construction of the spherical cup to scale 4, 2
Construction of the spherical cup to scale 4, 2
Disregarding the previous advice will cause disasters like this one:
GEOMAG constructions: Collapsed spherical cup to scale 4
Collapsed spherical cup to scale 4