Concentric cuboctahedra
It is very easy to build a rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around a rhombicuboctahedron.
GEOMAG constructions: Construction of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron, step 1: rhombicuboctahedron
Construction of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron, step 1: rhombicuboctahedron
One can choose between building twelve cubes on the square faces which share edges with triangular faces (option A, left-hand picture), or building eight cupolas on the triangular faces (option B, right-hand picture):
GEOMAG constructions: Construction of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron, step 2, option A: cubes
Construction of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron, step 2, option A: cubes
GEOMAG constructions: Construction of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron, step 2, option B: triangular cupolas
Construction of the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron, step 2, option B: triangular cupolas
In both cases, the only remaining edges are four alternate ones for each of the six octagonal faces:
GEOMAG constructions: Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron
Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron
306 pieces: 72 balls, 168 rods, 66 squares (1.53 kg)
The hollow hexagonal faces could be reinforced by means of six rods or three rods and three rhombuses. For bigger strength, a regular tetrahedron could be built on each of the triangular faces of the original rhombicuboctahedron; its upper vertex is the same as the center ball in the hexagon:
GEOMAG constructions: Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron: reinforced hexagon 1
Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron: reinforced hexagon 1
GEOMAG constructions: Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron: reinforced hexagon 2
Rhombitruncated cuboctahedron around the rhombicuboctahedron: reinforced hexagon 2
Lastly, twelve square panels could be added in order to close the cubes built on the faces of the inner rhombicuboctahedron:
GEOMAG constructions: Reinforced rhombitruncated cuboctahedron
Reinforced rhombitruncated cuboctahedron
398 pieces: 80 balls, 240 rods, 78 squares (1.96 kg)
Because of its geometry, the rhombitruncated cuboctahedron can be used to build giant models of the tetrahedron, the cube, and the octahedron. In these cases, we will use the reinforced version.