The sphenocorona
The sphenocorona is Johnson solid number 86:
GEOMAG constructions: Sphenocorona
34 pieces: 10 balls, 22 rods, 2 squares (193.04 g)
A ring with a perimeter very close to a regular 32-sided polygon can be made from 16 sphenocoronae and 16 tetrahedra:
GEOMAG constructions: Ring of 16 sphenocoronae
Ring of 16 sphenocoronae
512 pieces: 128 balls, 352 rods, 32 squares (2.81 kg)
The ring is not exact but it is very nearly so. Near enough, in fact, to be used as a structural element in other constructions (see Chapel 10).
GEOMAG constructions: Ring of 16 sphenocoronae in an upright position
Ring of 16 sphenocoronae in an upright position
Additional pieces for the feet: 16 pieces: 4 balls, 12 rods